
Video Profile Mechanical Engineering Vocational Education

The Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program is one of the undergraduate study programs at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University which produces vocational teachers in the field of Mechanical Engineering. This study program uses a skills concentration system so that it gives students the opportunity to focus their skills on production machines or automotive competencies. The main objectives of the UNS Mechanical Engineering Education study program are:

  1. Producing graduates in the field of Mechanical Engineering Education who have a high cumulative achievement index and have high integrity as educators who receive national and regional recognition;
  2. Producing graduates who are able to apply knowledge, science and expertise in the field of mechanical engineering education based on noble national cultural values;
  3. Producing research and development in the field of Mechanical Engineering Education that is beneficial for science and the benefit of humanity;
  4. Producing community service that is increasing in quality and quantity, especially in the field of Mechanical Engineering Education.

The Report of Students’ Satisfaction Survey 2022/2023

Student satisfaction is essential in determining the quality of study program educational services. Students have high expectations for the learning experience and the study program’s benefits. Therefore, a deep understanding of the level of student satisfaction is vital to improving the quality of education.

To explore and analyze the level of student satisfaction with the study program, we, as an internal quality assurance team for the Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program, have conducted a study that aims to understand student perceptions of various aspects of the study program and provide strategic recommendations for tertiary institutions in improving the quality of engineering education services machine to students.

The full report containing the results of the students’ satisfaction survey as well as the data collection and analysis method could be accessed in the following:

After Movie Magang Mahasiswa di PT. Putra Sari Logam

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