Student Satisfaction Level (2021)
Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program
The student satisfaction level is measured regularly to understand the current level of satisfaction and the improvement plan of the study program. The data was taken from the university academic system ( All of the students (active) gave an assessment of the learning process that has been carried out in the 2021 odd and even semesters. The results are as follows (scale of 100):
- Reliability of lecturers and managers = 85.6
- Responsiveness of lecturers and managers = 84.3
- Assurance of lecturers and managers = 85.6
- Empathy of lecturers and managers = 84.4
- Availability of Facilities and Infrastructure = 74.8
Regarding the data, almost all assessment criteria have been above the standard (75), except the (availability of Facilities and Infrastructure).
Some improvements have been carried out by the university for instance: the procurement of new facilities that support practice in the workshop area (1 new CNC machine, 1 set of Welding Machines, 1 Diesel Engine Trainer, 1 Gasoline Engine Trainer, …………………………………………………………………………………)
Another hand, to strengthen cooperation and relationship with industry, Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program has received some practice equipment (4 Engines and 4 motorcycles) from Astra-Honda Motor Company, the biggest motorcycle company in Indonesia.